Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 (38) So to give Harry Potter fans something to keep them busy in the meantime, we have expanded this list to include every Harry Potter game that has been rated by the review aggregator Metacritic.

Sadly, it was announced at the start of 2021 that the game had been delayed in 2022. After years of waiting, Potter fans have finally gotten their wish, as Hogwarts Legacy was announced in 2020 with the promise of letting players explore an 1800s rendition of the castle's grounds. Updated Januby Jack Pursey: Since the first Harry Potter film hit cinemas in November 2001, gamers have been crying out for an open-world role-playing adventure set in the wizarding school Hogwarts. Although a handful of games have managed to capture the franchise's magic, there have been a few that fell flat on their face.

Rowling's wizarding world provided developers with the perfect base for a video game to be built upon, with the wand-waving combat, strong narrative, and beautiful castle grounds that appear in the books and films. RELATED: 10 Harry Potter Spin-Off Stories That Would Make A Great Video Game
Harry potter pc games wizard card series#
Despite this, the Harry Potter series has been able to churn out several solid games, helped in no small part by having industry giants EA publishing and developing many of them. Inside a chest while in the 3rd floor corridor.Movie tie-in games tend to get a bad wrap developers often have to contend with tight schedules to work with to ensure that the game's release date coincides with the corresponding film's. For the last time Fred and Geroge give you another one on yuor way back from the tower. Drop down from the two Lumos platforms when you see a picture of a friar, while bringing norbert to the tower. Follow the Bloody Baron as he opens gates. The bottom level of a platform that goes up and down while getting potions ingredients. In a trunk beside the staircase by the front door. Again Fred and George afer DADA in a portrait with a man wearing a turbin. The colorful, stained glass window during the Lumos lesson. Yet again Fred and George near the third floor corridor. Hagrid gives you one after returning from collecting fire seeds. While collecting fire seeds, drop down to the left when you have to knock over a tree with Flipendo. On top of the hedges during the Incendio challenge. Underneath the tree during the Incendio lesson. go to the right and cast alohomora on the grass. Again from Fred and George before you go to Herbology. In a secret room in another mirror after talking to Neville. Fred and George give you another after you defeat Peeves, in exchange for beans of course. Cast Alohomora at a mirror after your Charms lesson. During the Wingardium Leviosa challenge in the tower. While practicing Alohomora with Hermione.
Harry potter pc games wizard card full#
During the flying lesson with Madam Hooch fly directly at the Hogwarts seal at full speed to open it. Fred and George will give you one during the climbing and jumping exercuse, after collecting beans for them. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone PC Wizard Card Locations 1. Britty (britty bobmoore ca) April 18, 2006